
svggraph — create an SVG graph from a CSV file with height profile data

Synopsis [OPTION...] [ csvfile [ outfile ] ]


svggraph is used to create an SVG graph from a CSV file with height profile data. Optionally, it can also output the graph in PNG or PDF format or display a preview window.

The input CSV file must contain the distance and height values in the 6th and 7th column, respectively. CSV files which fulfill this condition are created by crp2csv(1).


-h, --help

Display a help message and exit.

-v, --verbose

Show debugging output.

-t, --title=STRING

Set title text.

-c, --copyright=STRING

Set a copyright text that should be displayed in a small grey font in the lower right corner of the graph.

-f, --format={svg,pdf,png,screen}

Set output format. Supported formats: SVG (default), PNG (requires convert from the ImageMagick package), PDF (requires batik-rasterizer from the Batik package), screen preview.


Set minimum/maximum of X axis (distance) manually.


Set minimum/maximum of first Y axis (height) manually. These values may be overridden by svggraph in order to match the grid of the second Y axis (slope).


Set minimum/maximum of second Y axis (slope) manually. These values may be overridden by svggraph in order to match the grid of the first Y axis (height).


Set character encoding of CSV file (default: "utf-8").


Most options can also be set in the CSV file: All columns of the file that do not start with a number are considered (keyword, value) pairs: The first column contains one of the following keywords, and the second column contains the value of the corresponding option. Keyword options are overwritten by command-line options.

List of keywords (case does not matter): TITLE, COPYRIGHT, DSCALE, HSCALE, SSCALE, ENCODING.


Frank Pählke


crp2csv(1), crpcut(1) crpreverse(1),